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bought a pig in a poke中文是什么意思

用"bought a pig in a poke"造句"bought a pig in a poke"怎么读"bought a pig in a poke" in a sentence


  • vbl.不看清货色就买,不顾后果地承担义务


  • My brother bought a pig in a poke
  • buy a pig in a poke
  • She does not like to buy things by mail because that would mean buying a pig in a poke
  • Buying land by mail is buying a pig in a poke; sometimes the land turns out to be under water
  • I want to see the tennis racket before i agree to the price . i don't want to buy a pig in a poke
  • Don't buy a pig in a poke ? go and see the books they're advertising before you send any money
  • I can't buy a pig in a poke . … let me konw what you've got to sell, and then may be i'll make a bid for it
  • He bought a tv set second hand . when he tried to use it, he regretted that he had bought a pig in a poke, because it was defective
  • This is an entirely new type of appointment and we don't know exactly how it will work . am i buying a pig in a poke if i accept
用"bought a pig in a poke"造句  
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